January 18th

I hope everyone had the most amazing holiday season and got a good rest, I know I did. The past two months went by way too fast, with crazy long to-do lists, calls and run arounds every day!
Speaking of busy, I am incredibly grateful I brought my assistant on!! Sadie has been such a lovely addition to our little, yet growing team. She has made my life easier in every aspect and I don’t know how I used to do it without her.
I was just talking to my husband today about how I’m so glad I listened to him and I started Design Dreams. It was a hard few start-up years, as every new business is. But, to be honest it was harder than I expected; incredibly long hours, constantly communicating with multiple trades, clients, and companies, project managing, invoicing, creating design boards, outreach, and always pushing myself out of my comfort zone.
Now, looking back, I wouldn't have it any other way.
It was all worth it.

I am now subcontracted by multiple incredible short-term rental companies that send me clients who I design for. That was a job I had never really heard of and it’s the best thing that would have happened. Life’s funny, you have a plan for your life - what you think it will look like and it NEVER turns out the way you thought.
I originally thought I would have both my kids by now, be an at-home mom and enjoy that immensely. All my girlfriends who told me they didn’t want to have kids until they were in their 30s - all have kids, and they are flourishing. I can honestly tell you - feel like the company is my baby and there’s nowhere I’d rather be. I know my kids will come when it’s time but for now, life turned out better than I ever expected, but I never thought I would run my own company!
Not too long ago, my dad told me when I was young, this is what I said to my parents;
“I can’t believe you run a company all by yourselves, you get out of bed in the morning and you make it happen, you put yourself out there and you make a living doing what you love
- Complete Bathroom Renovations -
I don’t know how you do it,
I know I sure won’t be doing the same thing when I’m older. "
And here I am.
Doing exactly that.
I went out and I created a company from scratch.
A client list from nothing.
A paycheck where there was no money.
Connections where there were none.
Built a foundation.
It came from this internal need to create something that was mine.
A legacy for when I’m gone, and that’s something I can be pretty proud of.

I am so grateful I live in a place where women can open their own businesses, be respected for their talents, and be supported by the people around them.
That’s an incredible thing if you ask me.
It makes me feel connected to all the Women-Owned Businesses around Calgary, the rest of Canada and even the world. I know how hard it is to strike out on your own and make a dream come true when no one believed in you. You had no money or degree to make this happen but you did it anyway, that’s courage. I have so much respect for these women since I now get to say that I am one.
That’s powerful.
I think we can change the world.
For me, one beautiful space at a time.
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