September 24th
What a summer its been! I know I’m always so blown away by how much has happened and how far Design Dreams has come but honestly, busiest summer of my life!
I started travelling for Airbnb design and set ups and LOVING IT!! I drove through Banff National Park to get to the latest Airbnb install in Invermere BC and it was incredible.
I have to be honest, I did shed a couple of tears when I came back to my home province, the tall standing trees, rushing rivers, endless lakes, and eagles roaming overhead, I mean it’s truly anexperience to travel through British Columbia and I am so grateful that I get the opportunity to expand my horizons more than I could have imagined!
Here are a couple breathtaking moments from my trip:

While down in BC I got to attend and be part of my best friends wedding in the Rocky Mountains which was truly amazing. Being able to design, set up and be part of a gorgeous wedding was such an honour! I got to reconnect with old friends and share in the newlyweds joy. Needless to say it was an incredible trip and I cannot wait to be back.
That being said, I did have a new property management company reach out to me that is based in Canmore, AB. Only 1 hour away from busy Calgary, there is a little sleepy town with so much wildlife and nature to explore. Their design team is needing help as they are overwhelmed with the amount of properties they are adding. These include rentals all over BC and Alberta so I may be travelling quite a bit next spring!!

As I write this I am sitting on my new deck at our new house in the warm weather with few clouds above. My kitty is running around in the grass, playing with the neighborhood squirrels and enjoying himself immensly. I am looking forward to sweater weather of course but also holding onto the last little bit of summer while it lasts.
So many exciting projects in the works and I cannot wait to continue growing, expanding and learning each day. I am almost finished decorating our new place and cannot wait to show you guys the outcome!!
Stay tuned and thanks for reading :)